Signs Of Bisexuality In Females Quiz

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 2147 | Recent Updated: 20-Mar-2022
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
At some point in our lives, we've all had doubts about our sexuality. Don't listen to your friend who accuses you of being lost. And it's past time for you to start getting a deeper understanding of yourself. Every person who reconnects with their own self by recognizing and comprehending their true desires has a greater grasp of life. So, this is where you should begin. Allow your inner self to be free and respond without fear of being judged. To find out if you're bisexual, take this quiz.

Questions Excerpt

1. What dreams do you most often get?

A. Being chased

B. Writing an exam

C. Being naked in public

D. Falling from a height

2. What describes your personality?

A. Being loving towards everyone

B. Being unfriendly

C. Being popular at school

D. Being socially awkward

3. What are you?

A. Introvert

B. Extrovert

C. Ambivert

D. All of them when needed

4. What is your greatest fear?

A. Going to hell

B. Losing my family

C. Losing money

D. Being single for my whole life

5. Why do you pray?

A. To be successful

B. To go to heaven

C. To be famous

D. I don’t pray

6. What is your favorite food?

A. Sushi

B. Burger

C. Donut

D. Lasagna

7. Did you have a crush on your roommate?

A. Never

B. Yes, I still have

C. Earlier, but not now

D. We did the nasty

8. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

A. Vanilla

B. Strawberry

C. Pistachio

D. Chocolate

9. Have you ever made out with someone of your sex?

A. Yes, once

B. No, ew

C. Yes, many times

D. No, but I wouldn’t mind

10. What do you look for in your partner?

A. Money

B. Sexual abilities

C. Personality

D. Looks


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