Science has definitely proven out to be a big success in today's era. Not only in technology but also in medical pieces of equipment, science has been touching the sky. We see a lot of new technologies that were nearly impossible before. One such startling technology is Tourniquet, an electronic device to limit blood in the body. But there is much more to know about this instrument. Do you think you have the knowledge of everything? Do you think you can answer the questions? Then, here is the Tunicate Quiz, play it ad see how well do you perform!
1. On which body part is the pressure exerted through this device?
A. Stomach
B. Thumb
C. Elbow
D. Limb
2. Complete the sentence: The tourniquet is applied _____ inches above the needle insertion point?
A. 2-3
B. 1-2
C. 3-4
D. 5-6
3. Simple Tourniquet can be made from ___?
A. Fire and Ice
B. Rope and stick
C. Stick and band
D. None of the above
4. How many types are there?
A. 4
B. 6
C. 10
D. 11
5. Who also uses Tourniquet?
A. Cardiologist
B. Dentist
C. Gynaecologist
D. Phlebotomist
6. ______________tourniquets are self-contained mechanical devices that do not require any electricity?
A. Emergency
B. Surgical
C. Silicone
D. Rehabiliation
7. In which century tourniquets were used to stanch the bleeding of wounded soldiers?
A. 2 Century BC
B. 4 Century BC
C. 6 Century BC
D. 5 Century BC
8. When was a screw device developed for occluding blood flow in surgical sites?
A. 1718
B. 1780
C. 1765
D. 1792
9. Who developed a screw device for occluding blood flow in surgical sites?
A. Robert David
B. Georgia Drowsky
C. Abraham
D. Jean Louis Petit
10. What is the full form of CAT?
A. Complex application tourniquet
B. Combat accessory tourniquet
C. Combat application tourniquet
D. Complex access tourniquet
11. Who advocated that, in battle, each Royal Navy sailor should carry a tourniquet?
A. Jean-Louis Petit
B. Sir Gilbert Blane
C. Georgia Drowsky
D. Robert Frady
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