There are millions of subjects to study if a person is really keen to know and understand. Your personality depicts the kind of subject you study. Well, you naturally start a growing attitude of the subject you study. But do you know if the subject you are studying is actually the right fit for you? Do you need to change the subject? If you are really keen to know then you must try the quiz and find which Subject You Should really Be Studying?
1. How would your friends describe you?
A. Calm
B. Smart
C. Adventurous
D. Innovative
2. What is your favorite timepass?
A. Innovating
B. Reading
C. Exploring
D. Learning
3. DO you like to travel?
A. Quite Often
B. I am kinda both staying home or travelling
C. Of course
D. Not at all
4. Among the following subjects which subjects do you think you might score high grade?
A. Literature
B. Chemistry
C. Business Studies
D. Geography
5. Which expert talk would you prefer to watch online?
A. Discovering and exploring
B. Innovation at its best
C. Era of Blind Faith
D. Managing my business
6. Which sector do you think you are more inclined to develop?
A. Knowledge
B. Talent
C. Powers of Deduction
D. Management
7. Which one would you prefer: Revolutionary or Rich?
A. Both
B. Rich
C. Revolutionary
D. Nothing
8. Are you sociable?
A. Not much
B. A lot
C. I am kinda depending on situation
D. Yes
9. When you are alone what do you think of?
A. Present
B. Future
C. World
D. Nothing
10. What thing makes you happy a lot?
A. Humanity
B. Creation
C. Outcomes
D. Travelling
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