The Princess Bride, tells the story of a farmhand named Westley, accompanied by companions befriended along the way, who must rescue his true love Princess Buttercup from the odious Prince Humperdinck. The film preserves the novel's metafictional narrative style by presenting the story as a book being read by a grandfather (Peter Falk) to his sick grandson (Fred Savage). Let's know more about The Princess Bride!
1. Robin Wright was on which soap opera when she was cast to play the Princess Bride?
A. As the World Turns
B. Days of Our Lives
C. General Hospital
D. Santa Barbara
2. The Princess Bride movie is based on a book of the same name. Who’s the author?
A. William Goldman
B. John Scalzi
C. Douglas Adams
D. Jason Reitman
3. Why is the Princess Bride kidnapped?
A. For the ransom
B. Prince Humperdinck wants to steal the princess from his rival
C. To start a war between Guilder and Florin
D. To be used as bait to capture the Dread Pirate Roberts
4. Which character is praised for having “a great gift for rhyme”?
A. Westley
B. Vizzini
C. Fezzik
D. Inigo Montoya
5. How does the Dread Pirate Roberts defeat Vizzini?
A. In a duel
B. With poison
C. By hitting him on the head with a large rock
D. By humiliating him so badly in a battle of wits that he dies of embarrassment
6. When does Princess Buttercup realize that the Dread Pirate Roberts is really her true love, Westley?
A. When his mask falls off as he climbs the Cliffs of Insanity
B. He reveals his identity when he rescues her from Vizzini
C. The minute she sees him in his Dread Pirate Roberts garb
D. When the Dread Pirate Roberts yells, “As you wish” as he rolls down the hill
7. Where do Westley and Princess Buttercup hide from Prince Humperdinck?
A. Cliffs of Insanity
B. Fire Swamp
C. Pit of Despair
D. Eel-Infested Waters
8. How many years of Westley’s life were sucked away on his first encounter with The Machine?
A. 1 year
B. 2 years
C. 50 years
D. 20 years
9. What is an MLT?
A. Mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich
B. Mushroom, lettuce and trout sandwich
C. Mayo, lamb and turnip sandwich
D. Mackerel, leeks and tomato sandwich
10. What is Miracle Max’s wife’s name?
A. Anne
B. Valerie
C. Carol
D. Veronica
11. Fred Savage, who plays the role of the grandson, is wearing a sports jersey. Which Chicago sports team is featured on the jersey?
A. Bulls
B. Cubs
C. White ox
D. Bears
12. Which actor wrote a book about their experiences on The Princess Bride?
A. Cary Elwes
B. Robin Wright
C. Mandy Patinkin
D. Rob Reiner
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