Jacinda Ardern The 3rd female Prime Minister of New Zealand Quiz

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 724 | Recent Updated: 17-Apr-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Jacinda Ardern is regarded as the New Zealand politician as well as the third female Prime Minister of New Zealand. She has also served as the Leader of the Labour Party of New Zealand. Ardern was brought into politics by her aunt, Marie Ardern, a longstanding member of the Labour Party, who recruited the teenaged Ardern to help her with campaigning for New Plymouth MP Harry Duynhoven during his re-election campaign at the General election. Ardern joined the Labour Party at the child age. Let's know much more about Jacinda Ardern is New Zealand politician and Prime Minister.

Questions Excerpt

1. When did she born in New Zealand?

A. 26 July 1980

B. 26 July 1983

C. 26 July 1985

D. 26 July 1988

2. When she graduated from the University of Waikato?

A. In 2000

B. In 2001

C. In 2004

D. In 2008

3. After graduating, Ardern began her career working as a researcher in the office of Prime Minister--------------------.

A. Helen Clark

B. Jenny Shipley

C. David Lange

D. Mike Moore

4. Which of the following is the full name of Jacinda Ardern?

A. Jacinda Laurell Ardern

B. Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern

C. Jacinda Kate Ardern

D. None of these

5. Ever since Jasinda Ardern working as Prime Minister of New Zealand.

A. Since 26 October 2014

B. Since 26 October 2015

C. Since 26 October 2017

D. Since 26 October 2019

6. Jasinda Ardern as the ---------------th Prime Minister of New Zealand.

A. 20th Prime Minister

B. 32th Prime Minister

C. 40th Prime Minister

D. 50th Prime Minister

7. She belongs to which political party?

A. Labour

B. Liberal Democrats

C. Scottish National Party

D. None of these

8. When was Ardern elected a Member of Parliament for the Mount Albert electoral college?

A. 8 March 2013

B. 8 March 2015

C. 8 March 2017

D. 8 March 2019

9. When the Ardern was unanimously elected Deputy Leader of the Labor Party?

A. 7 March 2014

B. 7 March 2017

C. 7 March 2018

D. 7 March 2019

10. When Ardern announced the start of her government's flagship Families Package?

A. In July 2015

B. In July 2016

C. In July 2017

D. In July 2018


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