How Long Will You Live Quiz

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 1477 | Recent Updated: 18-May-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
You had always been curious to know how many years will you live. And, this is a fact with many people around you too. Your daily actions like activities, eating habits, lifestyle, etc. affect longevity. You know when you were born but if you have ever wondered how many years do you live take this fun test!

Questions Excerpt

1. Are you male or female?

A. Prefer not to say

B. Male

C. Female

D. Transgender

2. Which pet do you have?

A. I do not have a pet

B. Dog

C. Cat

D. Snake

3. Where would you go for lunch if you forget carrying lunchbox?

A. Don't worry I will have lunch in my office canteen

B. Go to McDonald's

C. Go to a nearby restaurant

D. Go back to home for lunch

4. How do you reach your workplace?

A. Cycling

B. Walk to the office

C. In car

D. Use public transport

5. How or when do you drink water?

A. Very less water, only when my throat dries

B. As prescribed

C. Lesser than optimum

D. More than the optimum

6. How many cigarettes do you smoke every day?

A. I don’t smoke

B. I smoke occasionally

C. 2-3 cigarettes a day

D. I am a chain smoker

7. Do you think consuming alcohol is necessary to celebrate?

A. Absolutely not

B. Somewhat

C. This only an excuse

D. Yes, what is the meaning of celebration without alcohol?

8. What is your exercising regime?

A. I walk for 10 km every day

B. I exercise hard in the gym 5 days a week

C. I hardly move from my place

D. I do yoga & meditation daily

9. What is your body type?

A. Skinny

B. Obese

C. Normal

D. A few extra pounds

10. What do you often have for dinner?

A. Fresh salad

B. Fried food

C. Spaghetti

D. Anything is good


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