Deep Water is a psychological thriller that follows Vic and his wife Melinda in their unusual marriage and the even more unusual deaths around them. Vic allows his wife to have affairs in order to avoid a divorce and becomes a prime suspect in the disappearance of her lovers, We are illuminated by the fact that Melinda and Vic are in an open marriage and Melinda repeatedly has relations with others men. Although Vic tries to put up a front that he is comfortable with this arrangement, he is jealous. Melinda gets a kick out of making Vic jealous, as that is the only leverage she has, but in the end, Vic kills all his lovers.
1. Which character do you like most in deep water?
A. Vic Van Allen
B. Tony Cameron
C. Melinda Van Allen
D. Charlie cameron
2. If you find your wife cheating on you, what will you do?
A. Same as Vic does
B. Leave your wife
C. Ignore her
D. I do not know
3. If you have a husband like Vic, what will you do?
A. Leave him/her
B. Same as Melinda does
C. Tolerate him anyway
D. I do not know
4. Like Charlie and Tony, would you like to make a relationship with a married woman?
A. Depending on situation
B. Off course yes
C. I think No
D. Don't know
5. Do you get jealous when you see your partner talking to someone else?
A. Off course Yes
B. Maybe No
C. Sometimes
D. I am single right now
6. If you find your husband killed someone, what will you do?
A. Leave him/her
B. Same as Melinda does
C. Tell the police
D. Discuss with him/her
7. Do you ever cheat your partner?
A. No & never
B. Yes, always
C. Maybe Yes
D. Do not want to disclose
8. According to you, Vic was right?
A. Yes, Vic was absolutely right
B. No, I think Vic was not right
C. I don't know
D. No comment
9. What makes you feel like you are Vic?
A. You do anything for your love
B. You get jealous
C. You are egoistic
D. None of the above
10. According to you, Melinda was right?
A. No, Melinda was wrong
B. Yes, Melinda was wrong
C. I do not know
D. None of the above
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