Quiz: Which Grade Should I Teach?

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 3455 | Recent Updated: 08-Sep-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
A teacher enlightens our society through education and learning by guiding an individual and providing knowledge about various aspects. Almost every person has some hidden teaching talents. Do you think you too possess some teaching skills? Let's find out of which grade should you teach. Take this below quiz to discover the grade that you should opt to teach.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which is your favorite subject?

A. Science

B. Social studies

C. Literature

D. Economics

2. Which of these personalities define you the best?

A. Shy

B. Confident

C. Introvert

D. Funny

3. Which kind of student do you prefer in your class?

A. Intelligent

B. Average

C. Hardworking

D. Poor in studies

4. Rate your patience level on a scale of 10

A. 3

B. 5

C. 8

D. 10

5. Which subject you don't like?

A. Mathematics

B. History

C. Sociology

D. Physiology

6. How will you manage if two students start quarreling?

A. Calm them down

B. Shout on them

C. Punish them

D. Teach them manners

7. Which kind of teacher-student relationship fo do you prefer?

A. Strict

B. Lenient

C. Friendly

D. Playful

8. A teacher who is your role model?

A. Helen Keller

B. Eliot Engel

C. Anne Sullivan

D. Tim Walz

9. Which is more important in life?

A. Money

B. Love

C. Power

D. Respect

10. Which attitude do you promote?

A. Optimistic

B. Creative

C. Pessimistic

D. Arrogant


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