How Attractive Are You an a Scale of 1-10 Quiz

Questions : 11 | Total Attempts: 6504 | Recent Updated: 07-Jun-2024
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Your appearance is the first indication of attractiveness. It includes both the inner and outer appearance. Beauty is the blend of features that makes you the person you are. This decides whether you are attractive or not. The kinds of acts you perform come out of your heart. Do you want to know what opinion others hold about you? Take the fun personality test and discover your attractiveness in seconds.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which action characterizes you?

A. Vibrant

B. Fun-loving

C. Lazy

D. Outgoing

2. How is your hair?

A. Long & lustrous

B. Short & thin

C. Colored & straightened

D. Medium length & ratted

3. How is the texture of your skin?

A. Smooth like baby

B. Rough & dehydrated

C. Wrinkled & dehydrated

D. Blemished & needs help

4. Do you believe a smile can do wonder to any business?

A. Yes

B. Is that so?

C. I don’t think so

D. Maybe

5. How many times year are you asked for a date?

A. Too many to count

B. Once a year

C. Never

D. Once or twice a month

6. How skilled you are in the self-introduction?

A. Proficient

B. Average

C. Below average

D. Above average

7. Do you go for weight training?

A. I don’t

B. I do

C. Sometimes

D. Often

8. How often do you visit the dentist in a year?

A. Two times

B. Never

C. Every month

D. Whenever required

9. You describe your sense of humor as:

A. Witty and quick

B. Dry and sarcastic (but lovable!)

C. Lighthearted and easygoing

D. Self-deprecating (but always hilarious)

10. How comfortable are you being the center of attention?

A. I thrive in the spotlight!

B. I'm okay with it in small doses.

C. I'd rather be on the sidelines observing, but I can hold my own if needed.

D. Public speaking is my worst nightmare!

11. You consider yourself to be a good listener because:

A. I can easily put myself in other people's shoes

B. I genuinely care about what others have to say

C. I'm observant and pick up on subtle cues

D. I ask thoughtful questions that encourage people to open up


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