The Enneagram Personality Test! Let's Test Yourself

Questions : 15 | Total Attempts: 624 | Recent Updated: 17-Dec-2023
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
The Enneagram Personality Test is a powerful tool for understanding yourself and others on a deeper level. Unlike other personality tests that focus solely on behavior and surface-level traits, the Enneagram delves into the core motivations and fears that drive our actions and reactions. At its heart, the Enneagram is a map of the human psyche, revealing nine distinct personality types that each have their unique strengths and weaknesses. By understanding which type you are, you can gain insight into your thought patterns and tendencies, as well as those of the people around you. With the Enneagram as your guide, you can unlock a deeper understanding of yourself and others, leading to greater empathy, connection, and fulfillment in all areas of your life.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which of the following is most important to you?

A. Doing the right thing

B. Helping others

C. Achieving success

D. Expressing your uniqueness

2. How do you deal with stress?

A. By sticking to a strict routine

B. By helping others and focusing on their needs

C. By throwing yourself into work or projects

D. By retreating into your own world and exploring your emotions

3. Which of the following best describes your approach to relationships?

A. You hold yourself and others to high standards

B. You are nurturing and supportive, and put others' needs before your own

C. You seek out partners who are successful and driven

D. You crave deep emotional connections and may struggle with feelings of jealousy or abandonment

4. What is your biggest fear?

A. Making mistakes or failing to live up to your own standards

B. Being alone or unloved

C. Being seen as average or mediocre

D. Losing your sense of identity or uniqueness

5. Which of the following describes you best?

A. You are highly organized and detail-oriented

B. You are warm and empathetic

C. You are goal-oriented and driven

D. You are imaginative and creative

6. Which of the following best describes your communication style?

A. You are direct and may come across as blunt or critical

B. You are warm and nurturing, and often use emotional language

C. You are assertive and may come across as dominant or competitive

D. You are introspective and may struggle with expressing your thoughts and feelings

7. What motivates you most?

A. Doing what is right and ethical

B. Making a difference in others' lives

C. Achieving success and recognition

D. Expressing your authentic self

8. What is your biggest strength?

A. Your empathy and ability to connect with others

B. Your sense of integrity and high standards b)

C. Your drive and determination to succeed

D. Your creativity and unique perspective

9. Which of the following best describes your emotional state?

A. You may struggle with feelings of anger or frustration

B. You are sensitive to others' emotions and may feel their pain deeply

C. You may suppress your emotions in order to focus on goals or tasks

D. You may experience intense emotions and mood swings

10. Which of the following describes your attitude towards authority?

A. You respect authority and may hold yourself to even higher standards than those in charge

B. You may struggle with authority figures and prefer to work independently or in a supportive role

C. You may seek out positions of authority and enjoy being in charge

D. You may rebel against authority and prefer to carve out your own path in life

11. How do you approach decision-making?

A. You weigh all options carefully and make decisions based on what is right and ethical

B. You may struggle with decision-making and may defer to others for guidance

C. You make decisions quickly and confidently, based on what will lead to the greatest success

D. You may struggle with decision-making and may rely on your intuition or emotional impulses

12. Which of the following is most important to you in a job?

A. Having a sense of purpose and making a positive impact

B. Feeling valued and appreciated by your colleagues

C. Having opportunities for advancement and success

D. Being able to express your creativity and individuality

13. What is your biggest weakness?

A. Perfectionism and self-criticism

B. Difficulty setting boundaries

C. Fear of failure or inadequacy

D. Self-absorption and moodiness

14. What is your biggest motivation in life?

A. Doing what is right and just

B. Helping others and building relationships

C. Achieving my goals and ambitions

D. Expressing my unique identity and creativity

15. What do you fear the most?

A. Making mistakes or doing something wrong

B. Being rejected or unloved

C. Failing to achieve my goals

D. Being ordinary or unremarkable


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