We get relatives by our blood relations but friends are chosen by our interests. If you have good friends then it is a blessing of God. Having no friends is just sadly depriving. In this fascinating world, everyone has their one good friend who is already there for you and if you are the one who has not even a single friend by your side then it must be a huge concern. Well, you just need to take this quiz and got your results!
1. When someone tries talking to you, what is your reaction?
A. I get nervous
B. I just ran away
C. I feel good
D. It never happens
2. How frequently do you speak in class?
A. Not that much
B. Very less
C. Fairly enough
D. Feel so shy
3. Do you have a group of friends, if yes then how big it is?
A. It’s probably 10-15 people
B. No, I don’t have any group of friends
C. I keep to myself
D. I can talk to anyone
4. Have you ever dated anyone?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I tried but never happen
D. I am not interested
5. Choose your favorite sport:
A. Football
B. Badminton
C. Tennis
D. Golf
6. What do you do on weekends?
A. Setting up parties
B. Surfing the internet
C. It depends
D. Nothing just chill
7. How do people treat you?
A. Very well
B. They act like talking to me a hassle
C. Not so good
D. Never judge
8. How do you act around your siblings?
A. I don’t have one
B. We are not close enough
C. We don’t talk too much
D. I act like normal
9. What kind of music do you enjoy?
A. Jazz
B. Hip-hop
C. Solo
D. Acoustic
10. Describe your characteristics?
A. Shy
B. Simple
C. Arrogant
D. Egoistic
11. According to you why people do not hang out with you?
A. Because i speak a lot
B. I am busy always
C. I need time to know people
D. I have no money
12. Why does your last friendship end?
A. I have a big argument with your friend
B. He/she does not call me
C. I don't know
D. He/she share my secrets to someone else
13. In your life, what is the value of a friend?
A. Friends have special corner.
B. Friends are just time pass
C. Friends are diamond of life
D. Friends are secret sharer
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