Locke and Key is a popular Netflix show released in 2020 which revolves around a bunch of kids who explore a huge mysterious house that has magical keys. It is loved by all age groups and has three seasons so far. As it gets more exciting, the characters start looking more and more intimidating, and that is when we start imagining ourselves in their place. If you wish to know which Locke and Key character you are, this quiz is designed especially for you.
1. What describes your personality?
A. Loving towards everyone
B. Unfriendly
C. Popular
D. Socially awkward
2. Do you like pranks?
A. Only when I prank others
B. Depends on the type of prank
C. Not much
D. I hate them
3. How well are your public speaking skills?
A. I suck at public speaking
B. Ten on ten
C. Depends on the number of people watching
D. Average
4. What are you?
A. Introvert
B. Extrovert
C. Ambivert
D. All of them when needed
5. Which anime is your favorite?
A. Attack on Titan
B. Naruto
C. Death Note
D. One Piece
6. What is your least favorite food item among the following?
A. Meatballs
B. Kimchi
C. Ramen
D. Pie
7. What is your favorite genre in books?
A. Mystery
B. Science
C. History
D. Self help
8. What is your favorite hobby to stay fit?
A. Swimming
B. Cycling
C. Hiking
D. Dancing
9. What is the color of your eyes?
A. Black
B. Grey
C. Green
D. Brown
10. What is your age?
A. Below 15
B. 16 to 21
C. 22 to 34
D. Above 35
11. What would you do if you found your friend smoking?
A. I would join them
B. Act like I didn't notice
C. Scold them
D. Tell their parents
12. Did you propose to your partner?
A. Yes
B. No, they did
C. I am single
D. I got many proposals but never proposed anyone
13. What is your zodiac sign?
A. Pisces
B. Scorpio
C. Capricorn
D. Other
14. What is your most favorite hobby?
A. Karaoke
B. Dance
C. Yoga
D. Reading
15. Which superpower would you like to have?
A. Invisibility
B. Shapeshifting
C. Telekinesis
D. Flying
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