Undeniably, the world is filled with so many creatures that you might not think of as important ones but in reality, they are special and indeed crucial for the environment. Yes, we are talking about those insects that are also a part of our environment but we tend to ignore them and this is why we need to take into account their importance. They also hold good economic importance as they can also be a reason for people to make money. Not just money terms they also add to the GDP of the countries and the world. There exist a lot of important facts and questions that you must know if you intend to learn about insects. This trivia quiz can be a great help!
1. Find what is true about entomology?
A. Study of worms
B. Study of birds
C. Study of microbes
D. Study of insects
2. What is the main feature of an insect?
A. Pair of antenna
B. Pair of wings
C. 3 pair of legs
D. All of them
3. What is called resting and inactive stage in insect life cycle?
A. Larva stage
B. Pupa stage
C. Adult stage
D. Egg stage
4. What is the natural predator of BPH?
A. Red ants
B. Spiders
C. Bugs
D. None of them
5. On which food do insect feed?
A. Eninotmology
B. Osreophagous
C. Polyphagous
D. Monophagous
6. Complete the statement: insects are mainly diversified on phylum___?
A. Nemtoda
B. Mullusca
C. Arthropoda
D. Palytheun
7. Which insect is carrier of grassy stunt virus?
A. Red ants
B. Leafhoppers
C. Pink ants
D. All of the above
8. Choose the statement that is true regarding entomophagy?
A. Refers to eating insects
B. Refers to study of insects
C. Refers to eating fishes
D. Refers to eating birds
9. What is the number of abdominal legs in larva stage of mustard sawfly?
A. 3 pairs
B. 12 pairs
C. 6 pairs
D. 8 pairs
10. Aphid, small, are the example of?
A. Parthegenosis
B. Oviparous
C. Viviparous
D. None of the above
11. Which thing is true about immature scale of insects?
A. Sliders
B. Crawlers
C. Gliders
D. None of the above
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