A comedy movie titled The Disastrous Life of Saiki K, which was released in 2017, is about a character who attempts to live a typical high school student's life while having exceptional psychic talents like teleportation, psychokinesis, and telepathy. He comes across as a rather dull, sarcastic, and shy young man. But the show is incredibly entertaining to watch because of how he sees the world and how he handles those who upset him. Try this quiz to see which Saiki K character you are.
1. What do you hate about school?
A. Classmates
B. Teachers
C. Exams
D. Nothing
2. Pick your favorite ice cream flavor
A. Strawberry
B. Chocolate
C. Butterscotch
D. Vanilla
3. What do you do at parties?
A. Click pictures
B. Dance
C. Drink or eat a lot
D. Talk to people
4. How would you react if you failed an exam?
A. Cry whole night
B. Stay unbothered
C. Feel guilty for not studying
D. Blame others for it
5. Which one is your most favorite emoji?
A. Grinning face with smiling eyes
B. Neutral face
C. Face with rolling eyes
D. Enraged face
6. Why do you want to be successful?
A. To buy a house or car
B. To buy clothes or food
C. To help my family
D. To become famous
7. What word would best describe your personality?
A. Introvert
B. Extrovert
C. Ambivert
D. Omnivert
8. If you had to direct a story line, which one would you choose?
A. Bank robbery
B. Murder mystery
C. Romance
D. Comedy
9. Do you feel lonely?
A. All the time
B. Sometimes
C. Mostly
D. Never
10. What are opinions on taking risks in life?
A. It is important to take risks to grow in life
B. It is not relevant
C. It is quite overrated to even consider it
D. Every successful person takes risks
11. How would you spend your day if you get a holiday tomorrow?
A. Sleep all day, I need it
B. Go out for movie or shopping
C. Party at home
D. Watch my favorite show at home
12. Which sport do you enjoy playing the most?
A. Basketball
B. Table tennis
C. Football
D. Badminton
13. What is the first thing you would do if you found yourself stuck on an island alone?
A. Cry for help
B. Find something to eat
C. Collect wood to light fire
D. Lose all hope and lie down
14. Which animal would you prefer as your pet?
A. Cat
B. Dog
C. Rabbit
D. Mice
15. Which hobby is the best according to you?
A. Sports
B. Reading
C. Roleplay
D. Eating
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