Smartphones have become a very crucial part of our lives, whether it is to stay connected with our friends and family or watching our favorite shows online. We need a good device that can fulfill our requirements, but with new features being released every now and then, it is a tedious task to pick a device for yourself.
1. How often do you click pictures or record yourself?
A. Once a week
B. Once a month
C. Regularly
D. Never
2. Which games do you play?
A. Battle Royale
B. Puzzle
C. Other
D. None
3. How often do you watch movies?
A. Almost everyday
B. Once a week
C. Once in a month
D. Very rarely
4. Which screen size do you prefer?
A. Less than 4.7 inches
B. 4.7 to 5.5 inches
C. 5.5 to 6.5 inches
D. Not sure
5. How do you listen to music?
A. I prefer headphone jacks
B. Wireless headphones
C. Speakers
D. I don’t listen to songs
6. What is your age?
A. Less than 18
B. 19 to 25
C. 26 to 40
D. 40 or more
7. How much money would you spend on this device?
A. 500$ or less
B. 500 to 690$
C. 690$ to 965$
D. 965$ or more
8. Do you work on your phone?
A. Yes, all the time
B. No, I use it just for fun
C. Sometimes
D. Not sure
9. How do you unlock your phone?
A. Fingerprint
B. Face Scanner
C. Password
D. I just don’t lock it
10. How much do you know about technology?
A. I keep myself updated with everything
B. I just understand specs
C. I don’t know much
D. I know more than what’s required
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