Vegetables and fruits that are used in our food provide nutrition to the human body, as they are important sources of nutrients, dietary fiber, and photochemistry. However, it is uncertain whether the increased consumption of vegetables or fruits by the general public can reduce the risk of some chronic diseases, and to what strength of evidence is to be allocated for such an association. Let's know much more about the importance of human nutrition through vegetables and fruit.
1. What compounds do apples contain?
A. Epicatechin
B. Chlorogenic acid
C. Anti-allergy compounds
D. All of the above
2. Grapes are vitamin powerhouses, which vitamins are there?
A. A
B. C
C. B6
D. All of the above
3. Which Minerals are found in Banana?
A. Potassium
B. Calcium
C. Phosphorus
D. All of the above
4. Pomegranates have plenty of -------------------.
A. Antioxidants
B. Anti-inflammatory
C. Both of the above
D. None of these
5. Which minerals our body receives by eating Legumes?
A. Copper
B. Folate
C. Phytosterol
D. All of the above
6. Which minerals our body receives by eating Dark green leafy vegetables and broccoli?
A. Beta-carotene
B. Lutein + zeaxanthin
C. Flavones
D. All of the above
7. Which minerals our body receives by eating Unique vegetables?
A. Manganese
B. Copper
C. Beta-carotene
D. All of the above
8. Which vitamins our body receives by eating Asparagus?
A. Vitamin B6
B. Vitamin C
C. Folate
D. All of the above
9. Which minerals our body receives by eating broccoli?
A. Iron
B. Copper
C. Manganese
D. All of the above
10. Which minerals our body receives by eating leafy vegetables?
A. Phytosterol
B. Manganese
C. Lutein + zeaxanthin
D. All of the above
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