Quiz: How Well Do You Know About Abram Ioffe?

Questions : 10 | Total Attempts: 655 | Recent Updated: 20-Jul-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
The Father of Soviet Physics, Abram Fedorovich Loffe was the Russian physicist and the founder of many physics institutes in Russia. He was born on October 29, 1880, in a Jewish family in the small town of Romney, Russian Empire. Abram carried out experiments on elastic and photoelectric properties of crystals and was the first scientist to be fully credited for discovering the charge of an electron for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics. Abram was given the nickname “The Red Professor” and he founded the State Roentgenologic and Radiological Institute and was the head of Physics and Technology faculty. Abram proved the quantum nature of light and also discovered the ionic nature of crystals. He introduced new ideas about semiconductors and was given the nickname “Father of Semiconductors”. Abram was an expert in the field of physics and electromagnetism and was awarded the Stalin Prize in 1942, the Lenin Prize in 1960, and The Hero of Socialist Labor. Take this quiz about Abram Ioffe.

Questions Excerpt

1. When was Abram Loffe born?

A. October 10, 1880

B. October 29, 1880

C. September 23, 1887

D. November 16, 1887

2. Where was Abram born?

A. Russia

B. France

C. Austria

D. Serbia

3. For what discovery he received the Nobel Prize?

A. Discovery of semiconductors

B. Discovery of proton

C. Discovery of charge of electron

D. Discovery of ions

4. In which year he received Stalin Prize?

A. 1941

B. 1946

C. 1951

D. 1942

5. What is the charge of an electron?

A. 1.602 × 10-19 coulombs

B. 1.602 × 10-17 coulombs

C. 1.603 × 10-19 coulombs

D. 1.604 × 10-17 coulombs

6. Who is popularly known as The Red Professor?

A. Isaac Newton

B. Niels Bohr

C. Abram Loffe

D. Richard Feynman

7. Which of the following is not a semiconductor?

A. Germanium

B. Selenium

C. Sodium Chloride

D. Silicon

8. Loffe was the son of a .....

A. Doctor

B. Merchant

C. Carpenter

D. Engineer

9. In which year he received the doctorate in physics?

A. 1915

B. 1918

C. 1920

D. 1911

10. In which year Abram Loffe died?

A. 1987

B. 1966

C. 1972

D. 1960


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