It's important to first understand how one would define privilege if asked to. Having a roof on their head is being privileged for some while others crave a Lamborghini ride to the gym. Whatever it may be, every person should acknowledge their privileges and feel grateful for the same. If you're willing to know how privileged you are, there's nothing to be ashamed of. Take this quiz and get all your answers. The only real deal is to never compare yourself with anyone.
1. Do your parents love you enough?
A. Yes, and I love them too
B. Yes, but I don't love them as much as they do
C. No, they don't love me
D. My parents aren't alive
2. Do you earn your own money?
A. Yes, enough to make a living
B. Yes, but it's not enough to make a living
C. No, I'm unemployed
D. No, I'm just a student
3. Which of the following has happened to you?
A. Robbery
B. Sexual Assault
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above
4. What is your gender?
A. Male
B. Female
C. Transgender
D. Prefer not to say
5. How often do you hang out with your friends?
A. Almost everyday
B. Once a week
C. Once a month
D. Don't remember the last time I stepped out of my house
6. Are you physically disabled?
A. Yes, it's quite sad
B. Yes, but I don't care
C. No, I'm glad for being perfectly fine
D. No, but I won't mind being disabled
7. How would you describe your college years?
A. Great
B. Fine
C. Awful
D. I didn't go to college
8. What amongst the following have you last experienced?
A. Anxiety
B. Panic attack
C. Depression
D. Suicidal thoughts
9. What do you think about your body?
A. Perfect, as I wanted it to be
B. I'm not happy with my body
C. I've never thought about it
D. I don't care about how my body looks
10. Have you ever witnessed a murder?
A. Yes, it was scary
B. Yes, I loved seeing it happen
C. No, but I would want to witness a murder
D. No, I'm glad I haven't witnessed a murder
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