Kingdom Protista, Phylum Protozoa Quiz

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 1220 | Recent Updated: 09-Oct-2021
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Protozoa are microscopic, colorless organisms. They are terrestrial or aquatic, free-living or parasitic, and exhibit radial or bilateral, spherical or irregular symmetry. The body of protozoa is naked consisting of uni or multinucleated protoplasm. The body of protozoa is bound by a delicate membrane or a firm pellicle, theca or lorica or siliceous shell. Locomotion in protozoa occurs by pseudopodia or cilia or flagella. They are holozoic or saprozoic or holophytic in nutrition. Digestion is intracellular and reserve food is in the form of glycogen. So, take this quiz on kingdom Protista, phylum protozoa, and increase your knowledge about it.

Questions Excerpt

1. What is the basis of the classification of phylum protozoa?

A. Number nuclei

B. Shape

C. Size

D. Locomotory organelles

2. Streaming movement of granules in plasmosol of Amoeba is known as......

A. ZIGzag

B. Cyclosis

C. Brownian

D. Pseudopodial movement

3. Single-celled animals reproduce by ....

A. Fission

B. Fusion

C. Budding

D. Regeneration

4. Which stage of Plasmodium escapes during digestion in the alimentary canal of the mosquito?

A. Oocyst

B. Sporocyst

C. Ookinete

D. Gametocyst

5. Which one caused Kala-azar?

A. Giardia

B. Monocystis

C. Leishmania

D. Trypanosoma

6. in which of the following nuclear dimorphism is seen?

A. Entamoeba

B. Paramecium

C. Trypanosoma

D. Leishmania

7. Reproduction in monocytes is ......

A. Asexual

B. Sexual

C. Both of them

D. Vegetative

8. What is the percentage of RBC destroyed per day by the malaria parasite?

A. 10%

B. 5%

C. 15%

D. 20%

9. Vorticella belongs to class.......

A. Sarcodina

B. Sporozoa

C. Ciliata

D. Zooflagellata

10. Blackwater fever is also called....

A. Scarlet fever

B. Encephilitis

C. Yellow fever

D. Aestivo-autumnal malaria

11. Which one is not a protozoa disease?

A. Sleeping sickness

B. Elephantiasis

C. Oriental sore

D. Kala azar

12. Reserve food in protozoan is ......

A. Starch

B. Fat

C. Glycogen

D. All of the above


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