US Government 15th Amendment Quiz

Questions : 17 | Total Attempts: 141 | Recent Updated: 18-Feb-2024
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Ahh, the difficult and crucial topic of comprehending the roots of our country is the beautiful tapestry of the United States Government. One of the most significant historical turning points, the 15th Amendment, is a representation of progress and equality. In this quiz, we explore the nuances of this momentous amendment by looking at its origins, implications, and legacy. Find out how much you really understand about this important period in American history by taking our knowledge test. This quiz will test your knowledge of the topic and enlighten you on the path to a more inclusive democracy, both historically and currently. Do you feel you can handle the challenge? Together, let's take this trip through the halls of constitutional history to understand the significance of the 15th Amendment.

Questions Excerpt

1. When was the 15th Amendment ratified?

A. 1865

B. 1870

C. 1920

D. 1965

2. What does the 15th Amendment guarantee?

A. Right to free speech

B. Right to bear arms

C. Right to vote regardless of race or color

D. Right to a fair trial

3. Which group of individuals was primarily enfranchised by the 15th Amendment?

A. Women

B. African American men

C. Native Americans

D. Immigrants

4. Which of the following was a strategy used to circumvent the 15th Amendment in the South?

A. Poll taxes

B. Grandfather clauses

C. Literacy tests

D. All of the above

5. Who was the President of the United States when the 15th Amendment was ratified?

A. Abraham Lincoln

B. Andrew Johnson

C. Ulysses S. Grant

D. Rutherford B. Hayes

6. Which Reconstruction Era amendment preceded the 15th Amendment?

A. 13th Amendment

B. 14th Amendment

C. 16th Amendment

D. 17th Amendment

7. What was the purpose of the 15th Amendment?

A. Abolish slavery

B. Grant citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the U.S.

C. Protect voting rights for African American men

D. Establish prohibition

8. Which state was the last to ratify the 15th Amendment in 1992?

A. Mississippi

B. Alabama

C. Georgia

D. Kentucky

9. Who was the primary author of the 15th Amendment?

A. Abraham Lincoln

B. Andrew Johnson

C. Ulysses S. Grant

D. Charles Sumner

10. Which of the following Civil Rights Acts was passed to enforce the 15th Amendment?

A. Civil Rights Act of 1866

B. Civil Rights Act of 1964

C. Civil Rights Act of 1875

D. Civil Rights Act of 1957

11. Which Supreme Court case upheld the constitutionality of the 15th Amendment?

A. Plessy v. Ferguson

B. Brown v. Board of Education

C. Shelby County v. Holder

D. Marbury v. Madison

12. Which political party was generally supportive of the 15th Amendment?

A. Democratic Party

B. Republican Party

C. Libertarian Party

D. Green Party

13. How did some Southern states react to the ratification of the 15th Amendment?

A. They embraced it wholeheartedly

B. They ignored it

C. They passed laws to suppress African American voting rights

D. They celebrated with parades and festivals

14. How did the 15th Amendment impact women's suffrage?

A. It granted women the right to vote

B. It delayed women's suffrage efforts

C. It had no direct impact on women's suffrage

D. It sparked the women's suffrage movement

15. What was the response of many African Americans to the passage of the 15th Amendment?

A. They celebrated with jubilation

B. They boycotted voting out of protest

C. They formed political organizations to exercise their newfound rights

D. They continued to face disenfranchisement due to Jim Crow laws

16. What was the impact of the 15th Amendment on Reconstruction-era politics?

A. It unified the nation under a single political party

B. It led to the rise of African American political representation in the South

C. It marked the end of Reconstruction

D. It resulted in increased tensions between Northern and Southern states

17. Which president signed the legislation proposing the 15th Amendment?

A. Abraham Lincoln

B. Andrew Johnson

C. Ulysses S. Grant

D. Rutherford B. Hayes


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