Test Your Knowledge About Radioactive Pollution Quiz

Questions : 12 | Total Attempts: 5480 | Recent Updated: 29-Mar-2020
Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality Quiz
Radioactive pollution It is defined as the incorporation of unwanted radioactive elements into the environment. It may be natural or maybe a radioactive element produced by humans. Among the causes of radioactive contamination are nuclear tests that have been carried out for war purposes. These can produce radioactive rains that travel several kilometers through the air. Accidents in nuclear power plants are another major cause of radioactive pollution to obtain energy. Some sources of pollution are uranium mines, medical activities, and radon production. This affects the trophic range of ecosystems and people may have serious health problems that lead to their deaths. To prevent this, there should be safety protocols for the operation and storage of radioactive waste as well as necessary equipment. Let's test yourself "How Much Do You About Radioactive Pollution Trivia Quiz".

Questions Excerpt

1. Which elements emit natural radioactivity are known as?

A. Radioactive elements

B. Radio elements

C. Rctive elements

D. Ruclear elements

2. Radiation emitted from splits into...

A. Five components

B. Four components

C. Three components

D. Two components

3. Spontaneous emission of radiation by unstable nuclei is called

A. Artificial radioactivity

B. Natural radioactivity

C. Negative radioactivity

D. All of above

4. Which disease is caused by radioactive pollution?

A. Skin burns

B. Cancer

C. Cardiovascular

D. All of above

5. Which radio wave causes of cancer?

A. β wave

B. γ wave

C. α wave

D. All of above

6. Who is the founder of a radioactive element?

A. Henri Becquerel

B. Rutherford

C. Newton

D. No anyone's

7. Which is the first discovered radioactive element?

A. Polonium

B. Radium

C. Both of above

D. None of these

8. Radiation damages the _________ that make up the human body.

A. Cells

B. Nervous system

C. Eye

D. Blood cell

9. Which wavelength more dangerous?

A. High wavelength

B. Medium wavelength

C. Short wavelength

D. All of above

10. Radioactive pollution refers to the release of _____________ radiation into the environment.

A. Polarized radiation

B. Normalised radiation

C. Ionless radiation

D. Ionizing radiation

11. Alpha (α), beta (β) and gamma (γ) radiations are produced by the process called...

A. Radioactive propulsion

B. Radioactive decay

C. Both of above

D. None if these

12. Which sources of radioactive pollution?

A. Water

B. Water sources

C. Air space

D. All of above


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