Chromosomes mean colored bodies. It was observed by Hofstadter in pollen moth cells of tradeswoman and was named by Waldemar. On the basis of a number of kinetochores, there are five types of chromosome; Monocentric which has a single centromere, Dicentic which has two centromere, Polycentric which has many centromeres, Acentric is the freshly broken segment of a chromosome which do not survive for long and Holocentric is the indistinct centromere diffused throughout the length of the chromosome. On the basis of the position of the kinetochore, there are four types of chromosomes: Metacntric - centromere is in the center, Submetacentric - Centromere near the center, Afrocentric _ sub-terminal centromere, and telecentric - terminal centromere. Let's take the Chromosomes And Genes Trivia Quiz.
1. Which one possesses prochromosome with a single molecule of DNA or RNA?
A. Viruses
B. Bactria
C. Eukaryotes
D. None of these
2. When plasmid integrates with the nucleoid for replication it is called.....
A. Prochoromosome
B. Episome
3. Sex chromosome that determines the sex of an individual in unisexual organisms is called....
A. sexual chromosome
B. Episome
C. Allosome
D. None of these
4. Chromosomes are covered by a sheath called .....
A. Matrix
B. Protein
C. Vitamin
D. Pellicle
5. DNA enclosed in a chromosome is called .....
A. Chromonemata
B. Episome
C. Allosome
D. Plectonemic
6. What is the percentage of DNA in the eukaryotic chromosome?
A. 80%
B. 70%
C. 60%
D. 40%
7. What is the percentage of histonic protein in a eukaryotic chromosome?
A. 50%
B. 60%
C. 70%
D. 80%
8. How many types of the giant chromosomes?
A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2
9. Light and dark bands of chromosomes reveal.....
A. Breaks in DNA
B. Histonic and non histonic proteins
C. RNA and DNA contents
D. Inactive and active genes
10. Prochromosomes in bacteria is ......
A. Always cicular
B. Always linear
C. Circular or linear
D. Initially linear but later on circular
11. In which phase chromosomes can be easily observed?
A. Prophase
B. Metaphase
C. Anaphase
D. Telophase
12. Who discovered the polytene chromosome?
A. Flemming
B. Balbiani
C. Farmer
D. Punnet
13. The average number of genes present in man is about......
A. 300
B. 30000
C. 3000
D. 1000
14. Which one is the largest-sized chromosome?
A. Lampbrush
B. Polytene
C. X-chromosome
D. Y-chromosome
15. Polytene chromosomes are attached at one point called......
A. Chromomere
B. Chromocenter
C. Chromatid
D. Chromophore
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