Sonic the Hedgehog is a fictional character which is created by Naoto Ohshima and Yuji Naka. Also the title character of Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog video game franchise, Sonic is an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog who can run at supersonic speeds and curl into a ball to attack enemies. The character was designed to be fast similar to the Super Mario Bros character from Nintendo, which was named Sonic, which means it moved at the speed of sound. Sonic is considered a popular Hero who has bravery, speed, and determination to defuse the evil plans of his nemesis.
1. What will you do if you are in a fight?
A. Freeze Up
B. Stand and hold on
C. Stand in fear
D. Run
2. What will you do if you are trapped?
A. Run through a hole
B. Fight to your last breath
C. Quake in fear
D. Try to escape
3. How you are described by your friends?
A. Funny
B. Annoying
C. Outsider
D. Leader
4. What is your personality type?
A. Gullible
B. Shy
C. Smart
D. Strong
5. What is your natural trait?
A. Introvert
B. Silent
C. Alone
D. Extrovert
6. What do you long to find most?
A. Way to protect
B. Companion
C. Purpose
D. Memories
7. Who is your favorite Sonic Underground character?
A. Dr. Eggman
B. The Robots
C. Manic
D. Sonya
8. How do your friends describe your personality?
A. Destructive
B. Cheery
C. Macho
D. Gathering
9. Who is your favorite girl character?
A. Rouge
B. Sally
C. Amy
D. Silver
10. What is a perfect day for you?
A. Sit and meditate in a garden
B. Explore new places and mysteries
C. Spend time with friends and family
D. Go on adventure
11. What is your mode of transportation?
A. Supersonic speed
B. Car
C. By Foot
D. Fly through skies
12. What will you do if you get a hard question to solve?
A. Try to solve it
B. Just stare
C. Think before solving it
D. Crumble the paper
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