Blog >> Chapter Food: Where Does it Come From (Class 6, NCERT for competitive exam) Trivia Quiz

Chapter Food: Where Does it Come From (Class 6, NCERT for competitive exam) Trivia Quiz

Food is one of the basic need of all living organisms because it provide nutrients, energy and many other substances to carry out the various function of the body. Food is important for physical as well as social well being for human beings. 

Q1. How many sources of food?

Answer: Two source

Explanation: We get food from plants and animals.We have two sources of food.

Q2. Which one of the following don't get from plants?

Answer: Meat

Explanation: We get  meat from animals like goat, sheep, camel etc.

Q3. We don't eat any unknown plant, why?

Answer: Because it could be poisonous

Explanation: There are many plants which are poisonous for human being like castor bean plant, milkweed etc .

Q4. Bees collect nectar from which part of the plant?

Answer: Flower

Explanation: Bees collect  nectar or sweet juice from flowers then convert it into honey and stored it in there hives.

Q5. Brinjal is a ……?

Answer: Fruit

Explanation: Commonly brinjal is classified as vegetable but actually it is a fruit. It grows from flowers.

Q6. Chilly is a ….?

Answer: Fruit

Explanation: Chilly  contain tiny seeds in the middle of the fruit and grow from the flower of the plant.

Q7. One of the most important ingredient of Idli is urad dal from where we get it?

Answer: Plant

Explanation: We get urad dal from plant. it is a edible split pulse and we obtain it from the pods of  leguminous plant.

Q8. Cats are …….?

Answer: Carnivorous

Explanation: Biological cats are carnivorous because some of the nutrients they require can only be source naturally from animal protein.

Q9. Rats are…..?

Answer: Omnivorous

Explanation: Rats eat whatever which are available in large quantity in their habitat.

Q10. Which one of the following is carnivorous?

Answer: Lion

Explanation: Lion eat meat of their prey.

Q11. Spider is  …….?

Answer: Carnivorous

Explanation: Most species of spider is carnivorous. they trap flies and other insect in their web or hunting them down.

Q12. Crow is  …..?

Answer: Omnivorous

Explanation: Crow eat whatever is available it may be insects, fish, eggs, nut, vegetable etc.

Q13. Butterfly is  …..?

Answer: Herbivorous

Explanation: At caterpillar stage of life they eat specific type of plant and seeds depends on the species.

Q14. House lizard is …….?

Answer: Carnivorous

Explanation: House lizards are  carnivorous. They sit and wait for prey. Many  small species eat insects while big one like Komodo eats mammals.

Q15. Dog is what kind of animals?

Answer: Omnivorous

Explanation: Dogs are omnivorous because the drive the nutrients from both plants and animal sources.


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